City of Blackduck City Ordinances
The information below regarding the ordinances established by the City of Blackduck are provided for your informal reference. Every effort is made to keep them updated to reflect recent changes. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these or any other city regulations, please contact city administration
Chapter 3
Ordinances related to the administration of the city.
- In General
- Salaries of Mayor and Council Members
- Elections
- City Administrator
- Combination of Offices
- Police Department
- Department of Public Works
- Planning Commission
- Emergency Management
- E-911 Uniform Addressing
Chapter 6
Lakeview Cemetery
Ordinances related to the Lakeview Cemetery which has been established and continued on land owned by the city.
- Description; Name
- Officers and Duties
- Sale of Cemetery Lots
- Deposits
- Care and Maintenance
- Conduct in the Cemetery
- Unlawful to Destroy Property
- Burials and Interments
- Perpetual Care Fund
- General Regulations
- Maintenance of Monuments
- Other Regulations
Chapter 7
Traffic Code
Traffic regulations and ordinances.
- Traffic Regulations
- Parking Regulations
- Snowmobiles
- ATVs and Motorized Golf Carts
- Trail System Regulations
Chapter 9
General Regulations
General community health and safety regulations.
- Health and Safety; Nuisances
- Abandon Property
- Animals
- Streets & Sidewalks
Chapter 11
Business licensing & regulations.
- General Licensing Provisions
- Commercial Amusements
- Beer, Wine, and Liquor
- Peddlers and Solicitors
- Tattoo and Body Piercing Services
- Rental Licensing
- License Regulations Sexually Oriented Business
- Cannabis Businesses Regulations and Local Sales and Use Tax Regulations
Chapter 13
General Offenses
Damages to Property, Graffiti
- Discharging Firearms
- Curfew for Minors
- Fireworks
- Lurking and Loitering
- Disorderly Conduct
- Penalty
Chapter 15
Land Use & Subdivision
Ordinances related to use of and subdivision of land within the city.
Historical Amendment: Ordinance 15B-2010